(217) 923-1507


Junior Livestock Show

Saturday, August 17, 2024; 8:00 AM

Judging on Jr. Show swine, sheep, goats and beef will be at 8:00 a.m. 
Animals must be entered and in place by noon on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.


Class H - Junior Livestock Show

Janene Dittamore, Superintendent: 217-821-7612
Fairground Phone: 217-923-3194

Premiums Offered: $12,283.00

Not responsible for accidents. Competition open to the all.


Junior Show Rules and Regulations

  1. Entries will be open to youth that are between the ages of 8 and 18 years as of January 1, of the year in which the fair is held.
  2. Entries will be taken at the Secretary’s Office on Saturday, August 11, 2024 from 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. and until noon on Wednesday, August 14. Have registration
    and health papers when making entries. If this does not comply with your scheduling please contact one of the superintendents.
  3. Animals must be in place by noon on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Animals will be released noon Saturday, August 17, 2024.
  4. All animals, shown in breeding classes MUST BE REGISTERED.
  5. Health papers must be current and available UPON DEMAND and in exhibitor’s name.
  6. All animals must be weighed in.
  7. Animals shown in Market Classes must be different than the one shown in a breeding class and visa-versa.
  8. Health regulations are the same as open show.
  9. All exhibitors must pay entry fee when entries are made.
  10. Each livestock exhibitor will be required to purchase an exhibitor’s ticket for $5 for ages 18 and under unless he or she has already purchased an open class exhibitor’s ticket.
  11. Exhibitors will be charged pen rent, unless pen rent was charged for the same animals in the open show.
  12. No refunds will be made on exhibitor’s ticket, pen rent, or entry fee.
  13. No exhibitor will be paid more than two monies for any one class, or premium number.
  14. No boars or bulls will be allowed to show in junior show.
  15. Ear tags, ear notches, tattoo’s, color markings or any other types of identification honored by the breed associations, will identify livestock. An animal must be designated as a particular breed and can only be shown in that said breed.
  16. Junior Show livestock must be fairgrounds 72 hours.
  17. In cases of two animals in a class, a helper who is a CUMBERLAND COUNTY JUNIOR EXHIBITOR must show other animal.
  18. All market animals will be placed in a weight division as deemed by the Superintendent.
  19. Judge’s decision in each species will be final.
  20. All protests must be in writing, accompanied by an affidavit setting forth the grounds for protesting. Protest against an animal must be filed with the Secretary on the day of the contest. In every case of protest, the day of the contest. In every case of protest, the party protesting must deposit a sum of money equal to the amount of the purse. In the event of the protest being sustained it shall be returned to the complainant, and if the protest shall not be sustained the sum shall be forfeited to the Fair board.
  21. All protests must be filed by the exhibitor.
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