Sunday, August 11, 2024
Halls Open at 12:30 PM
Class J - Agricultural Products
J 001: Vegetables & Farm Products
Premiums Offered: $450.00
Entry Fee: $00.50
Purse: $15.00, $6.00; $5.00; $4.00
No Exhibitor Pass needed in this class.
- Make your entries for Agricultural before 6:00 PM on Sunday, August 11, 2024 4:00 PM. Entries do not need to be on display until 4:00 PM Monday, August 12.
- All entries must be displayed on paper plates, with a hole punched in it and Entry Tag tied to plate.
- All entries must be grown in 2024 by the exhibitor.
- Judges' decision will be final.
- 6 White Potatoes
- 6 Red Potatoes
- 6 Sweet Potatoes
- 1 Head of Cabbage
- 1 Pumpkin (any kind)
- 1 Zucchini
- 1 Squash (any kind)
- 1 Watermelon
- 3 Muskmelon
- 6 Carrots (home grown)
- 6 Radishes (any kind, any color)
- 6 Red Tomatoes
- 6 Yellow Tomatoes
- 6 Tomatoes (any other color)
- 6 Green Peppers
- 6 Peppers (any color but green)
- 6 Hot Peppers (any kind, any color)
- 6 Beets
- 6 Cucumbers
- 6 Green Beans
- 6 Red Onions
- 6 White Onions
- 6 Yellow Onions
- 6 Lima Beans in Pods
- 6 Turnips
- 6 Gourds
- 6 Vegetables (unusual variety)
- Vegetable, unusual shape or size
- Tallest Sunflower
1467. Best collection of product display, not less than 10 items; 80% quality; 20% display; All grown by same person.
J 002: Seeds and Grains
Premiums Offered: $270.00
Entry Fee: $1.00
Purse: $15.00, $6.00; $5.00; $4.00
No Exhibitor Pass needed in this class.
Grain samples should be in gallon wide mouth containers.
- Half Gallon Red Clover Seed
- Half Gallon Sweet Clover Seed
- Half Gallon Yellow Corn (last year’s)
- Corn Stalk, Tallest with Ear Attached - in container
- Half Gallon Soybeans
- 3 Stalks Soybeans (this year’s)
- Half Gallon Soft Wheat
- Half Gallon Hard Wheat
- Other Not Listed
J 003: Corn Exhibit
- 6 Ears Yellow Corn
- 6 Ears Popcorn
- 6 Ears Sweet Corn w/husks (this year’s)
- 6 Ears Indian Corn
J 004: Bundle Grain
>4 Secured
Bundles not less than 4” in diameter securely tied.
- -1 Bundle Oats
- -1 Bundle Wheat (smoothed)
- -1 Bundle Wheat (bearded)
- -1 Bundle Timothy
- -1 Bundle Sweet Clover (white or yellow 1 year old)
- -1 Bundle Red Clover
J 005: Grain Exhibit
5+ Collection
- Best collection of grain not less than five varieties all grown on the same farm.
All Premiums subject to change due to State funding.