(217) 923-1507


Agricultural Products

Sunday, August 11, 2024
Halls Open at 12:30 PM


Class J - Agricultural Products


J 001: Vegetables & Farm Products

Premiums Offered: $450.00
Entry Fee: $00.50
Purse: $15.00, $6.00; $5.00; $4.00
No Exhibitor Pass needed in this class.

  • Make your entries for Agricultural before 6:00 PM on Sunday, August 11, 2024 4:00 PM. Entries do not need to be on display until 4:00 PM Monday, August 12.
  • All entries must be displayed on paper plates, with a hole punched in it and Entry Tag tied to plate.
  • All entries must be grown in 2024 by the exhibitor.
  • Judges' decision will be final.
  1. 6 White Potatoes
  2. 6 Red Potatoes
  3. 6 Sweet Potatoes
  4. 1 Head of Cabbage
  5. 1 Pumpkin (any kind)
  6. 1 Zucchini
  7. 1 Squash (any kind)
  8. 1 Watermelon
  9. 3 Muskmelon
  10. 6 Carrots (home grown)
  11. 6 Radishes (any kind, any color)
  12. 6 Red Tomatoes
  13. 6 Yellow Tomatoes
  14. 6 Tomatoes (any other color)
  15. 6 Green Peppers
  16. 6 Peppers (any color but green)
  17. 6 Hot Peppers (any kind, any color)
  18. 6 Beets
  19. 6 Cucumbers
  20.  6 Green Beans
  21. 6 Red Onions
  22. 6 White Onions
  23. 6 Yellow Onions
  24. 6 Lima Beans in Pods
  25. 6 Turnips
  26. 6 Gourds
  27. 6 Vegetables (unusual variety)
  28. Vegetable, unusual shape or size
  29.  Tallest Sunflower

    1467. Best collection of product display, not less than 10 items; 80% quality; 20% display; All grown by same person.


J 002: Seeds and Grains

Premiums Offered: $270.00
Entry Fee: $1.00
Purse: $15.00, $6.00; $5.00; $4.00

No Exhibitor Pass needed in this class.
Grain samples should be in gallon wide mouth containers.

  1. Half Gallon Red Clover Seed
  2. Half Gallon Sweet Clover Seed
  3. Half Gallon Yellow Corn (last year’s)
  4. Corn Stalk, Tallest with Ear Attached - in container
  5. Half Gallon Soybeans
  6. 3 Stalks Soybeans (this year’s)
  7. Half Gallon Soft Wheat
  8. Half Gallon Hard Wheat
  9. Other Not Listed


J 003: Corn Exhibit

  1. 6 Ears Yellow Corn
  2. 6 Ears Popcorn
  3. 6 Ears Sweet Corn w/husks (this year’s)
  4. 6 Ears Indian Corn


J 004: Bundle Grain
>4 Secured

Bundles not less than 4” in diameter securely tied.

  1. -1 Bundle Oats
  2. -1 Bundle Wheat (smoothed)
  3. -1 Bundle Wheat (bearded)
  4. -1 Bundle Timothy
  5. -1 Bundle Sweet Clover (white or yellow 1 year old)
  6. -1 Bundle Red Clover


J 005: Grain Exhibit
5+ Collection

  1. Best collection of grain not less than five varieties all grown on the same farm.

All Premiums subject to change due to State funding.

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