2024 Cumberland County Fair
New pricing for Trinket and Knickknack Vendors this year... only $25.00.
The Cumberland County Fair Board welcomes you to the Fair and hopes that your stay with us will be enjoyable and profitable. Fair hours are 6:00 A.M. thru 11:00 P.M. Saturday, August 10, 2024 thru Saturday, August 17, 2024.
Because of last minute mowing, cleaning and general repair work, absolutely no campers and/or vendor equipment will be permitted on the grounds before Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Please stop at the Fair office for your space assignments before you set-up.
The Cumberland County Fair office hours will be on our website at www.thecumberlandcountyfair.com and posted at the Fair Office.
All workers must have a CONCESSION WORKER PASS (Each Concession space will get two free workers passes for the week) upon entering the grounds on the opening day of the Fair for the week.
NO REFUNDS will be given for lost worker passes. A worker pass is $15.00 for a weekly pass and $3.00 for a 1- day pass. Workers passes are for workers only.
If you are leaving the grounds and will be returning on the same day, you must pay for re-entry.
Because of the lack of space on the main grounds and increased pressure from the Sheriff’s Dept. and Fire Marshall, please do not leave you vehicle in the roadway by your stand. Any vehicles illegally parked, standing in the fire lanes or any unauthorized area, will be towed at the owners expense.
ALL DELIVERIES TO YOUR STAND ARE TO BE COMPLETED BY 10:00 A.M. EACH DAY AND THE VEHICLES ARE THEN TO BE REMOVED FROM THE STAND AREA. You may begin setting up your stand on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Set-ups shall be completed and manned by 12:00 P.M. on Saturday, August 10, 2024. All vendor stands/equipment must be removed by 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.
ALL STATE AND LOCAL HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES AND REGULATIONS MUST BE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES. The Fair board reserves the right to monitor excessive sound, or product sales by all Vendors and Merchant stands. No stand may be set-up outside your rented area. It is understood that if rules are violated or the privilege for which this contract is granted is abused or exceeded, the Board of Directors may revoke this privilege, and shall be sole judge as to whether such rules or privileges have been violated. Vendors/Merchants failing to comply with ALL rules will not be invited back. Said Board of Directors shall have the right to close such stand or display, and remove all property of every nature from the grounds of the Cumberland County Fair without resorting to any proceeding at law, with no refund. Also, said Board of Directors of the Greenup Cumberland County Fair Association reserves the right to adjust the placement of exhibition for overall betterment of the Fair. The Association, its officers, employees and the Cumberland County Commissioners shall not be liable for any injury or damage to any person or property by any means.
This privilege is accepted upon condition that the business stated is to be conducted in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Association and further that the Purchaser of this Contract pledges and offers to the aforesaid Association any and all structures accepted or erected by him or them, all goods, implements or appurtenances which are used in transacting the business to which this privilege pertains, as a Guarantee for the payment of the sum herein stated, and in the case of such forfeiture, said Association shall have the privilege of offering the same at Public Auction, and apply enough of the proceeds from such sale to the discharge of the amount due. The location for said privilege to be assigned by the Vendor Committee, and the business of running such privilege to be conducted to the satisfaction of the Vendor Committee. Retention of this Contract on the part of the purchaser will be taken as evidence of acceptance. Association assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of Lessee’s property. Contract subject to Lessee securing license from Department of Agriculture of this State (if required).
The Lessee, at its own cost and expense, shall obtain liability insurance covering their operations (listing the Greenup Cumberland County Fair Association as an additionally insured party for the days you will be on our grounds) which are the subject of this agreement. Such liability insurance shall cover both injury and property damage liability and shall provide a limit of coverage of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. The Lessee shall attach to this contract a certificate of insurance verifying the existence of the above insurance. “Failure on your part to attach evidence of a current and valid liability insurance policy will preclude you from participation in this event!”
The Lessee assumes liability for and shall indemnity, protect, save and keep harmless the Lessor, its agents and servants from and against all losses, damages, penalties, claims, actions, suits, costs, expenses and disbursements, including legal expenses of whatsoever kind and nature imposed upon, incurred by, or asserted against the Lessor in any way relating to or arising out of this lease or the use of the equipment. The indemnities contained in this section shall continue in full force and effect, notwithstanding the termination of this lease.
The agents of the Lessor may, at any time, inspect the property and the manner in which it is being used.
At the end of the term of this lease, the Lessee shall return the property in as good condition as when received, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Since you were an exhibitor last year you are being given priority status to contract for the same space. Rental fee and insurance must be received by this date or the space may be assigned to other interested exhibitors.