(217) 923-1507


Domestic Art Display

Sunday, August 11, 2024
Halls Open at 12:30 PM


Class N - Domestic Arts

Premiums Offered: $714.00
Entry Fee: $1.00
Purse: $6.00, $5.00; $4.00
No Exhibitor Pass needed in this class.

  • All articles in Art Hall are to be on display by 6:30 PM Sunday August 11, 2024.
  • Judging Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
  • Hall will be closed during judging.
  • Articles must be the handwork of the exhibitor.
  • All articles must be finished and may be entered in one class only.
  • Precautions will be taken to insure safety of ALL articles, but in no case will the management be responsible for loss or injury to articles on exhibit.


N 001: Quilts

  1. Best Quilted
  2. Double Irish Chain
  3. Basket
  4. Flower Garden
  5. Lone Star
  6. Machine Quilted
  7. Most Artistic Quilt, Color Blend
  8. Embroidered
  9. Butterfly
  10. Baby Quilt
  11. Lap Quilt
  12. Any Patch Work Not Listed
  13. Cheater Quilt (hand/machine quilted, pre-printed fabrics)
  14. Most Original
  15. Log Cabin
  16. Miniature Quilt
  17. Wedding Ring
  18. Quilted Wall Hanging


N 002: Table Covers

Entry Fee: $1.00
Purse: $6.00, $5.00; $4.00


N 004: Afghan


N 005: Dolls


N 006: Rugs

Entry $.50
Purse: $6.00, $5.00; $4.00; $3.00; $2.00; $1.00


N 007: Pillow Cases (Pair)


N 008: Dresser Scarves


N009: Table Runners 


N 010: Luncheon Sets


N 011: Counted Cross Stitch


N 012: Center Pieces


N 013: Towels


N 014: Pillows


N 015: Christmas Decorations


N 016: Collectons


N 017: Handmade Garments


N 018: Infants Department


N 019: Children Under 18


N 020: Exhibitors Over 65


N 021: Antiques

Over 75 Years Old


N 022: Miscellaneous

Anything Not Already Shown


N 023: Toy Tractors

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