Sunday, August 11, 2024; 10:00 AM
Registration begins at 8:30 AM
Open Horse Show immediately following this event.
For more information contact Dustin McCullough: 217-251-4614
$48, $44, $40, $38
Entry Fee: $10.00
Stall Rent: $5.00 per head
Entry Fee; $5.00
Premiums: 1st -$60, 2nd -$30, 3rd -$20, 4th - $10
Entry Fee; $5.00
Premiums: 1st - $150, 2nd - $75, 3rd - $50, 4th - $25
Premiums: 1st - $60, 2nd - $30, 3rd - $20, 4th - $10
*Cumberland County Resident Youth only class, must have at least 5 entries or will be combined with the youth classes.
Pee-wee ages 9 and under (NO entry fee and NO premiums offered)/Youth ages 10-17 $5 per class entry fee/ $2 grounds fee per horse
All Premiums subject to change due to State funding.